Adventure At Home
Excuse me while I briefly interrupt your regularly scheduled Mexico vacation diary to bring you these snapshots of tonight's five mile canoe trip around the perimeter of Lake Martin in the dark. There's a new moon tonight so it was very dark, except for the stars and our head lamps and the light pollution from several nearby towns. And very quiet, except for the tree frogs, crickets, katydids, bullfrogs, night herons, and owls. Lots of alligators out, more than I've ever seen during the day. Their eyes light up freaky red when a head lamp hits them, but I wasn't able to get a photo.
I'm trying to incorporate more adventure into my post-vacation life, especially outdoorsy stuff like canoeing, hiking, and horseback riding. My camera's not very good at night photography, but you get a vague idea of the scene: silent canoes gliding across dark glassy water, passing ghostly cypress trees draped with Spanish moss. It was astonishingly beautiful. (That's Noble, a grad student from Budapest, riding my stern.)

Thank you. Mexico will resume tomorrow.
I'm trying to incorporate more adventure into my post-vacation life, especially outdoorsy stuff like canoeing, hiking, and horseback riding. My camera's not very good at night photography, but you get a vague idea of the scene: silent canoes gliding across dark glassy water, passing ghostly cypress trees draped with Spanish moss. It was astonishingly beautiful. (That's Noble, a grad student from Budapest, riding my stern.)

Thank you. Mexico will resume tomorrow.
"I'm trying to incorporate more adventure into my post-vacation life"
Good, because look how happy it makes you!
Love the ghostly swamp tree. :)
Funny! I went canoeing this MORNING! And it was 6 miles, rowing downstream but against the wind, and it took about 3 1/2 hours. But it was beautiful!
I haven't canoed in years, but I used to take a dog along. I hope your dogs aren't moping about not being in on these adventures. You sure seem to be having fun.
Who organized this canoeing, I want to go! Lake Martin is excellent.
Morelia is also excellent. Did you go to Patzcuaro for the day of the dead?
Prfessor Z-- Pack & Paddle puts on canoe trips about once a month, usually Lake Martin or the Basin. And yep, I spent four glorious days in Patzcuaro, which I'll post about if I ever get my butt to sit down at the computer.
And Schatze--I would LOVE to take my dogs canoeing, but can't because of the alligators. They love dog meat and will become aggressive if there's a dog aboard.
I'm farther South, we used to go to the Bogue Chitto in MS or North of Lake Pontchartrain on the Amite River. Dogs who are reluctant to jump into a canoe at the start are having a ball by the end. When we canoed Bayou Segnette, which had alligators, we did NOT take dogs. One of the guides liked to stir the gators up. I don't really like tormenting animals, particularly those that might eat you. In fact canoeing with gators is not my best idea of fun. I wish we had a river with some current down here in the flatlands.
That photo of the tree is the spookiest thing I've seen in a while.
Glad you are living life to its fullest! You're very brave: there is NO WAY I would be almost-eye-level with alligators in dark conditions. Or any other conditions, for that matter.
I love that you got served breakfast by 'Jesus'. I have a receipt from Barcelona that says 'you were served by Jesus'. I showed it to my mum to prove that I had finally found Jesus (she is religious and always trying to convert me).
I would love to see some dogs in here too. Any new pics of dolly dixie and soop?
Are you OK? First Twisty, now you. I need my bloggers. A hope there is something good keeping you away from the " Mexico will resume tomorrow" promise.Take care.
I hope you're okay, too. Please let us know!
all you lymphopo fans... is her grand baby due now? hence the silence?
Opps sorry. Thanks for the concern but I'm ok, just busy dealing with other stuff and not in the mood for blogging. I'll get back to it soon, stay tuned.
I understand completely. Thanks for letting us know. We care out here in cyberspace.
I think you changed the little slogan under the title of your blog. I am sending positive thoughts to you.
I've missed your posts lately - is everything okay? Please give us an update!
Hope you and your valiant pups are having a warm and thankful day today.
sending good thoughts your way...
Glad to read in the comments that you are okay, but know that we're thinking of you! Stay well ~
Oh where oh where has my GrannyVibe gone, oh WHERE oh where could she be? with her wiiiiiity posts and her suuuuuuperman, oh WHERE OH where could she be?
Are you OK?
Where are you, no posts since the 9th, what's going on... I miss my glimpse into yur world.
What they done said. Leroy, return to us!
Come back!
Are you ok?
<3 for leda
Thinking of you. Hope you're well.
I'm hoping your life is so full and great that you just don't have time for blogging :) but i miss you
Elizabeth, thinking about you. -patrizia
Just sniffing around, hoping to find you'd been here...
Me tienes preocupadisma. Ojala que sigues bien.
Hoping all is well. Drop a line sometime; you never know what you might catch...
Just worrying about you, and missing your wonderful dogs. :)
Please post.
Hi Granny,
missing you and Superman - please come back! :-)
Hey There !
Missing you and starting to worry . Is everything OK with you ?
Please come back to us !!!!!
It's been over a full month ... I'm a worrier ... no pressure, though.
Sending good vibes.
betsys from the WELL here, been checking in and enjoying your travels, hope you are well
Sending positive thoughts your way. Hope all is ok with you!
Please check in. Please.
Hi, Liz
Sending you good wishes from the frozen north. I miss your pictures and stories. I hope all is well with you,your family and that sweet Superman!
Liz - we miss you!! Please check in and let us know how you are. A very short post will do!!
Hope you are having a 'wonder-filled', happy and healthy Pre-Holiday!
I found her!
Okay, well, actually I found Soop and one of the girls and Le Shack all decked out for Christmas, so I'm hoping this means she is well. Perhaps she is up to her new eyebrows in mad cap adventures, and will commence posting again in the near fewcha. ;^)
Hurry back, we minions need some background story to go with those captions.
It's a relief to see those pictures!
Can it be possible to really care about a person that one has never met, a person only known through their written words? I think it must be, because I definitely care about you, Lymphopo. I am so doggoned glad to see those pics of you and the pups.
Please let us know you are ok...
Liz, I'm adding to the moaning of those of us who sorely miss your posts -- although you look mighty sassy and fine in the latest Flickr upload, thank God.
I'm also passing on a note from one of your fans in Korea, an expat Mainer:
"Hi, we miss you over here in Asia, too. Hope you are fine and dandy.
Will keep checking.
Hugs and Mojo,
~ Sil in Corea"
There is apparently some problem with Sil being able to comment directly from her location. Anyway, we both wish you well and look forward to your return to blogging.
More hugs and mojo, Dee ...
For well over a year, your blog has been the very first webpage I open every morning (yes, before I check my email). I am one of your readers from your Regan Roses days as Dr. Leda.
Funny how someone I've never met can become so very dear to me. Please come back and post to us. We care, we worry, we pray for all good things for you.
Suzanne Horn in California
Please come home (to your blog) for Christmas!
This lurker is hoping you are doing well, feeling well and that you are too busy with all the things you love. Have missed reading your posts.
Please come back -- you are scaring me. I read you everyday, and your courage and strength has helped me so much in dealing with my own illness. But your absence is frightening. Please come home for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you, where ever you are, I hope you are happy, warm and most of all, well. :)
I'm just another who is missing you and wishing you well this holiday, but there's always need for one more of those. Peace and love, health and happiness.
Wishing you (and your readers, all of whom obviously miss YOU and your posts as much as I do!) a very happy holiday season.
Hi there. I just wanted to poke my head in and say that I really miss your posts and hope that you and your family are healthy and happy.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Liz!!! :o)
Do respond so we know you are doing fine.
Merry Christmas! I keep checking here....I know you're doing what you need to do, but I (selfishly) hope you come back to us in the new year.....
All the best to you.
Praying that you are staying warm and having happy holidays, Liz.
I miss you too!
Happy New Years to you and your family.
Hope all is well and that you're having a lovely and warm holiday - I miss you too! Please let us all know you're ok!
Happy New Year to you and your doggies. As you can tell, we all miss you out here. I thought of you a lot this weekend as your blog was something I turned to often in late '06 and in '07.
Here's to a wonderful 2008 to you and your family!
You know, I'm wondering if there's not some issue between her ISP and (Big B) Blogger?
Looks like it was good family gathering for the holidays, and yes, Le Chef looks like he could use new oven mits. (or a thicker dish towel.)
"Unfortunate Rhinoplasty"? I thought that was Kevin Bacon.
btw, LOVE that Zombie dance bag!
Happy New Year! Come back soon.
Oh how we miss you! I'm wishing you well.
Happy new year -- hope all is well.
Nice pics. Amazing! Hope you had a nice time.
Nice sharing and keep posting.
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Nice pics. Nice sharing your experiences here. Keep posting.
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